Easy Subscription “Subscriptions consistently ranked No. 1 by Shopify”

Easy Subscription

Plugin Help Doc

Plugin Help Doc Description

Placing Test Orders

Overview Testing the customer journey is pivotal to guarantee that your subscription setup functions seamlessly and delivers an excellent experience for your customers. By thoroughly testing the ordering process, merchants can identify and resolve any potential issues or glitches before launching live subscriptions, thus ensuring customer satisfaction and minimizing disruptions. Why Testing Matters? Testing enables …

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Widget Customization

Overview Widget customization in Easy Subscription allows merchants to personalize the appearance of subscription widgets on their storefront, enhancing the overall visual appeal and user experience. Currently, merchants can choose from five different preset styles to match their preferences. Customization Options Merchants can select from a variety of preset styles to customize the look of …

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Fallback Products

Overview The Fallback Product feature in Easy Subscription serves as a safety net for ensuring customer satisfaction even when they haven’t actively chosen a replacement product. Merchants can designate a fallback product to be automatically sent if a customer hasn’t selected any new product to swap with their existing one. How it Works? Merchants can …

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Products for Swapping

Overview The Products for Swapping feature in Easy Subscription allows merchants to offer customers the flexibility to swap their existing products within the customer portal. This enhances the subscription experience by empowering customers to tailor their subscriptions to better suit their preferences. How it Works? Merchants select specific products from their inventory to be designated …

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Different Subscription Plan Types

Overview Easy Subscription offers two types of subscription plans to accommodate the diverse needs of merchants and customers: Pay as you go and Prepaid plans. Below, we’ll delve into each plan type and provide three examples for better understanding: Pay as You Go Plans With Pay as you go plans, customers are billed for each …

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Subscription Group Creation

Overview Embark on your journey of selling subscriptions by creating subscription groups with Easy Subscription. This is where you configure how often subscriptions are sent, whether there are discounts for subscribing, and more. Follow the steps below to start offering subscription services to your customers seamlessly: Step 1: Navigate to the Subscription Groups Tab: Go …

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Theme Installation

Overview Introducing Easy Subscription into your Shopify store is a seamless process that enhances your e-commerce capabilities with subscription services. Below, we’ll guide you through the installation process, ensuring a smooth transition to integrating Easy Subscription with your existing theme. No-Code Installation Gone are the days of complex manual code installation. With Easy Subscription, integrating …

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Getting in touch with us

Overview At Easy Subscription, we understand the importance of providing exceptional support to our merchants. We go above and beyond to ensure that our merchants receive the assistance they need to succeed in their subscription businesses. Whether you have questions, encounter issues, or need guidance on using our app effectively, our dedicated support team is …

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